It's official: Pastor Joseph Hovsepian is returning to Armenia this summer and his wife, Jessie, will be accompanying him on his sixth (her third) mission trip to their ancestral homeland. Please pray for them--and for those they will meet and minister to--as they prepare to travel. They will leave Montreal on August 19 and return on September 10.
Would you like to help in some way? Here are the most pressing needs:
- Funds to purchase and freely distribute Bibles and New Testaments
- Funds to print and freely distribute devotional books and gospel tracts
- Basic medicine such as Tylenol and Advil
- Reading glasses (in a variety of strengths)
- Funds for emergency situations (e.g. sudden illness or families unable to pay for rent or groceries)
We're excited to hear that there are new believers eagerly waiting for Pastor Joseph to baptize them during his visit. Since last year's trip we've been staying in touch with our partners in Yerevan and nearby villages at least weekly (sometimes daily) and have heard many wonderful praise reports about individuals responding to the gospel and surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ. The church we helped rebuild in Horom is doing well in its various ministries and we continue to pray for the spiritual growth of the church family there. Faithful believers in Yerevan give of their time and resources to lead home Bible studies, to visit those in need and to mentor and disciple new believers. There is much to celebrate!
It's also been a privilege for us to begin a sponsorship program for several families in Armenia. We have a few individuals who have "adopted" one family each and send monthly support to help with their most immediate needs. As well, Temple Baptist Church is sponsoring a couple of families and our Men's and Women's Fellowship groups are each sponsoring a family. If that sounds like something you'd like to participate in, please contact us and we'll connect you with a family in need. (You can call 514-279-9626 or email
In the Press!
We're also pleased to be able to share with you a link to an article Ann-Margret recently had published in Christianity Today titled Revival 100 Years After the Armenian Genocide, which not only marks the centennial of the genocide but also describes some of the work JHM has been doing in Armenia since 2008. Please share the article with your friends!
In the Press!
We're also pleased to be able to share with you a link to an article Ann-Margret recently had published in Christianity Today titled Revival 100 Years After the Armenian Genocide, which not only marks the centennial of the genocide but also describes some of the work JHM has been doing in Armenia since 2008. Please share the article with your friends!
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Thank you all for your prayers and support!
The Joseph Hovsepian Ministries team.