2008 Photos

Armenian Brotherhood Church
My dad preaching at the Armenian Brotherhood Church in 2008.
The congregation of the Armenian Brotherhood Church in Yerevan.
A school teacher who lost 28 students within minutes when the 1988 earthquake struck. Four others were left paralyzed and she herself lost the use of her legs and now uses a wheelchair.
My dad with a villager who practiced paganism (Zoroastrianism).

Armenia has all the modern conveniences we know yet there are many villages that are in disrepair and people live in horrendous conditions.

Electrical wiring out in the open in the entrance of an apartment building.

The yellow pipes that you see are carrying natural gas through the villages and towns. Many times the pipes are attached to the side of homes. I can only imagine the disaster waiting to happen.
This is a home that my dad visited. There were so many others.
When my dad visited this church he thought to himself 'how clean they keep their windows'. Until he found out there is no glass in the window panes. They worship here all year round and it gets pretty cold in the winter.